Struggling with a particularly nasty set of unicode & URL encoding bugs a couple of weeks back, I was reminded just how much I hate dealing with unicode and encodings.
Gave me an opportunity to brush up though, and to find a bunch of good resources I hadn’t seen before including:
- Ned Batchelder‘s Pragmatic Unicode or How Do I Stop The Pain? — I love that he included the text of his talk as well as a link to the video of him giving it at PyConUS 12
- Python Encoding, Completely Demystified
- Python Module of the Week’s codecs write-up
- What Every Web Developer Must Know About URL Encoding
- Unicode Frustrations including some smart solutions / tips for keeping you out of hot water
And also to revisit some golden oldies & useful references:
- Joel Spolsky’s Unicode overview
- Python UNICODE HOWTO from the official docs
- List of standard Python encodings
Mostly posting as a reference for myself 😉